Friday, April 24, 2020

TEA Essay

                The extract that has been provided to me is from Game of Thrones. There are two scenes, and in these scenes, the theme is revealed: power. Two men are on a journey to speak to someone in the kingdom. When they arrive, they speak before the most important man who will determine their request. Their request is to become a leader, but the head man declines. So, the two men try to convince him.
                In the first scene, an establishing shot is used. The boat going under the statue shows that they are on a journey. They have gone a long way and traveled very far to speak to someone with the power to carry out their desire to be the leader.
                In the second scene, most of the dialogue takes place. This is where the two men officially talk to the man in charge. The setting is the room where the men meet with the head of the kingdom to discuss their request. The use of the two-shot of the men shows that they are anxious to talk to the head of the kingdom. They wait together impatiently waiting for him. The use of the diegetic sound of the footsteps of the men entering the room shows how powerful they are when they walk in the room. Also, their costume shows that they are a part of a group of royals. The use of the dialogue between the men is a conversation about why the man should be a leader. A shot reverse shot is used multiple time in this scene. It is mainly used to show that they are discussing with each other about the request. The reaction of the man’s face after hearing “decline” shows that he is shocked that the head man declined their request.
Both scenes show that the two men on the journey to the kingdom are waiting for approval by the man in charge. He has power to accept or decline their request. The men try to get him to change his mind as the decision lies in his hands.